Continuity of Crime in a Sentence
Some people believe in an afterlife, or in reincarnation, or some other form of continuity of energy and spirit. | |
For many, the only effective defence appeared to be the absolutization of continuity. | |
The half finished with the Dragons exerting the greater pressure but failing to maintain continuity. | |
To maintain the continuity of the record it is necessary that the cycled radiometers have the same spectral responsivities. | |
A total of ten ramps connect the three levels, creating spatial continuity and flow. | |
In these artists, many fans find some continuity with the fun-loving and community-oriented origins of rap. | |
Most Indian systems of thought teach that gaining such insight brings about the liberation of the individual from karmic continuity. | |
I see the belief in the power of love as being a continuity through the ages. | |
The occasion emphasized continuity with an admired past, but these composers' operas embraced a new style of realism. | |
The extraordinary airiness and weightlessness of traditional sculpture owes itself to the continuity and the smoothness of their surfaces. | |
Some institutions contract the work out to casual labour with little continuity and stability for the student. | |
If we had a business continuity strategy, then allowing a bank to fail would be a credible and viable option for regulators. | |
We have been in contact with every Land in Germany to ensure continuity of teacher recruitment and to foster exchanges and school links. | |
In West African culture, ancestral continuity is something to be celebrated rather than avoided. | |
The answer lies at least in part in a quest for anchorage, for attachment to others and a sense of continuity. | |
It was filmed in sequence on digital video rather than film, and von Trier resisted the urge to reshoot scenes if it would break the continuity. | |
On television channels today, in-vision continuity announcers are few and far between. | |
In fact, the American landscape occasionally yields surprising revelations of continuity. | |
Some proper editing and you could do away with the fades to black entirely, giving a much better continuity to the picture. | |
But when parents fail to provide continuity of care, the state revokes or curtails their parental prerogatives. | |
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This is a rough draft of a story and therefore the continuity is messed up. | |
That continuity is rooted in apostolic succession, by which the whole mystery of Christ is handed on through the bishops. | |
The reader finds himself deprived of linking elements providing continuity of thought in a smooth development from one question to the next. | |
Despite the apparent visual continuity of the rock face, it quickly becomes clear that the climbers occupy different spatial realities. | |
I suppose there's a case for continuity, but surely not at the expense of progress. | |
Allen finds continuity, however, in an enduring Augustinian counterposing of church and culture. | |
Siercom's business continuity planning consultancy services are aimed at larger companies, but are scaleable to reflect size and specific needs. | |
The continuity of my teaching is broken each time these mandatory lessons are required. | |
He has lost confidence in the narrative thread, in the continuity of temporal sequence. | |
There are lines of continuity, but there are also significant ruptures, scissions and re-orientations. | |
The connection between the Testaments is best seen from the point of view of continuity of ideas, especially those we experience daily. | |
The exuberance and sheer theatricality of the entire production certainly helped to sustain continuity and clarity. | |
Hubert's management is also staying put, ensuring continuity and probably pretty good fat salaries into the bargain for those at the top. | |
The regression of the senior lawyer into second childhood was able to mesh the two visual themes and return a sense of continuity to the play. | |
Ian is talking in a professional way about forward planning, organisation and continuity before breaking off. | |
The fuel tanks are self-sealing, with a fuel crossfeed system that provides continuity of supply if one of the fuel circuits fails. | |
The continuity of floor and wall tiles visually integrates a rimless shower with the rest of the bathroom. | |
The separation and division of the works into three spaces in some ways disturbed the continuity of the curatorial exercise. | |
There was no topographical relationship between AAH and VMGH, nor was there any direct continuity between these 2 lesions. | |
A varied composition provides continuity of food supply for birds and small mammals, with seeds, fruits and berries ripening at different times. | |
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Quality of clinical care varied substantially, and access to care, continuity of care, and interpersonal care varied moderately. | |
By tying to reach a level of Western-oriented modernization, we are destroying the continuity of our own tradition. | |
Efficiency and continuity probably do require that the train be shunted into a well-prepared and easily accessible Belgian siding. | |
These days, business continuity is morphing into information availability, explains McAnally. | |
By doing this, it suggests continuity with the old regime, rather than complicity in an ugly coup of a popular mayor. | |
How much he strong to do as much as possible to stop the continuity of bloodshed. | |
The print is clean and the overall motion picture has a fabulous continuity. | |
Instead, the melodic phrases owe their unity and continuity to the juxtaposition of short segments with obvious motivic connections. | |
The main conditions in controlling the systems include high stability, continuity, speed and undetectability. | |
Perhaps of even greater significance, he had an unerring sense of rhythmic flow and continuity. | |
Sleep hygiene maximizes sleep habits that facilitate normal sleep, particularly sleep initiation, sleep continuity and length of sleep. | |
Contained within the footprint of the original neo-Gothic chapel, the flowing, guitar-shaped plan emphasizes the continuity of life. | |
Ballet had created continuity in my life, but now that the left side of my body did not serve me, the continuity was broken. | |
Then came metal hulls and steam power, and the historical line of continuity was broken. | |
Generally, if a week is not one of employment, continuity is broken, so that the employee has to start again to pick up continuity. | |
Orissa is one place in India where Sun worship has been practiced continuously since Vedic times without a break in continuity. | |
Such relations, contributing to a sense of continuity bridge the gap between the listener and the brute physicality of the musical language. | |
We literally had to control all the sound and vision as the continuity announcer would do. | |
Early vocalizers displayed more advanced language development at later ages, and this continuity applied to both groups. | |
The organization said the most sustained change in demand is for business continuity services. | |
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This is a great blend. Miller and Dallaglio can run with the ball, while Back is a nuggety scavenger who can ensure continuity and turnovers. | |
Indeed, it seems as though the melody and continuity suffered slightly at the hand of all these exclamation marks that Maestra Hewitt procured. | |
In the interests of continuity, the selectors would seem likely to stay with what they have got for at least one more match. | |
Was there a core of people organized and prepared to stay with a sustained campaign so as to provide continuity? | |
He has a strong personality, continuity of purpose, a mind well stored and a happy knack of communicating it. | |
I use my ohmmeter frequently to check the continuity of circuits and to measure resistance in spark plug wires. | |
Alex Lichtenstein sees an essential continuity between the convict lease system and the chain gang in Georgia. | |
There is a continuity from the Carolingians to the later Middle Ages that not even the disruptions of the tenth century could erase. | |
But society uses both carrots and sticks to encourage parents to provide continuity of care. | |
We were trying to build into the game, to develop continuity, but it was a very stop-start affair. | |
Additional control on the subsurface continuity of the strata is provided by seismic data. | |
On a day of strong winds and heavy rain, a more controlled game was required with continuity of possession being the key. | |
The essence of existence is not unity, sameness and continuity, not homogenousness, but diversity and difference, heterogeneousness. | |
And yet for those five days in May cricket offered a vision of continuity and changelessness. | |
Using watercolours or charcoal and pencil, she uses textured surfaces to suggest the organic natural continuity of her subject matter. | |
Our actual nature, then, provides no inherent consistency, substantiality or continuity of identity. | |
These arterioles frequently showed continuity at the glomerular hilum with segmental necrotizing glomerular lesions. | |
There's little continuity to team rosters, and the quality of play suffers greatly. | |
Depriving us of the end of the story renders it difficult for him to drive home the central theme of continuity. | |
In Singapore, analysts said Japan's economic continuity is crucial to sustain economic recovery in the region. | |
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It is very nicely laid out and color coded with little house-like images and labels dated to preserve a sense of chronological continuity. | |
There was a remarkable continuity of both craft techniques and classicizing style. | |
One aspect of hypertext and hypermedia, for example, is its capacity to link sources in ways that disrupt the continuity of a narrative. | |
That is, what about people who deliberately disrupt the continuity that ordinarily characterizes our identity? | |
In turn, tradition was transformed into a modern idiom creating continuity between old and new. | |
Some investors come with hidden agendas of cleansing their ill-gotten funds and continuity of their criminal activities. | |
All of this is characterized by redundant aspects of stability, permanence and continuity. | |
This gave her strength and a feeling of permanence, continuity and contentment with her home. | |
The advantages of permanent representation abroad included practicality and continuity. | |
Using the same evolutionist principles of cognateness and continuity, he attempted to reconstruct a common Ur-Germanic mythology. | |
One might add other properties he accepted, such as homogeneity, immutability, and continuity, and probably impenetrability. | |
The human desire for novelty is twinned with an equally imperative desire for continuity. | |
Penile deformity or incurvation was not seen, and no continuity defects were palpated. | |
By involving the five feeder schools, it is hoped that pupils would receive continuity of support and tuition. | |
The theory relies on what James takes to be the experienced relations of sensible compresence and sensible continuity. | |
The ideas of tradition and continuity are prominent in the third quotation, and they are used to defend institutional religion. | |
The integral power supply may be backed up by an external 24-volt DC supply, ensuring continuity of programming and easy mobile use. | |
Your own continuity planning process should have considered the implications of problems arising with the supplier. | |
There is a strong commonsense notion of intergenerational continuity in behavior. | |
He now has it written into his club contract that he plays at No 10, and since he has enjoyed that continuity he has played very well indeed. | |
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His interpolation used Kepler's concept of continuity, and with it he discovered methods to evaluate integrals. | |
The architects even specified that plastered surfaces were to have no joint markings that would visually interrupt their continuity. | |
The key element of Business Continuity is the contingency plan, commonly known as a business continuity plan. | |
Several mechanisms are implemented by most businesses to ensure business continuity. | |
Emphasizing the unchanging aspects of the topography, he made the case for the unbroken continuity of scriptural history with the living present. | |
With these, corporations can resolve security issues, protect critical assets, and ensure business continuity. | |
We maintain continuity of care assessing them at regular intervals throughout their illness, till the very end. | |
In the inertia and unbroken continuity of their daily lives, they come to believe that a tomorrow is guaranteed for them. | |
Cases abound in natural history studies of ants, chimps, baboons, etc., who, in extremis, give their existence for continuity of their kin. | |
Studied carefully, they also demonstrate a remarkable continuity in terms of his practice. | |
But in each case, it is continuity of policy that is the essential ingredient. | |
A copy of critical company data at a secondary site is also a prerequisite for continuity in business operations. | |
In addition, many organizations have come to realize the importance of data as an asset for business operations and continuity. | |
The study is designed to provide accurate, consistent data and ensure continuity of collection methods. | |
The result is an efficient and flexible solution for the business continuity of global operations. | |
Our goal was to ensure continuity of operations while we developed new and more aggressive policies. | |
Overall, there is a reasonably strong and consistent association between continuity and patient and doctor satisfaction. | |
Getting value for money in the first place, not to mention some continuity and stability, would have been more impressive still. | |
James said the present executive consists of four persons who had served previously, and this allows for a measure of continuity. | |
The emergent event is an unexpected disruption of continuity, an inhibition of passage. | |
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The queen, however, is as constant as the polar star, and it is that continuity, stability and dignity which Britons are now celebrating. | |
Children need continuity, consistency and predictability from their caregiver. | |
This strain of conservatism prefers stability to change, continuity to experiment, and the tried to the untried. | |
Instead, he emphasizes the continuity in British industrial relations and gradual historical change. | |
This allows for continuity, stability, and reliability, without the uncertainty of state or city budget constraints. | |
Rather, we are changing the conception of continuity in almost every respect. | |
I think it's the stability and continuity of our church life that is attracting many Americans to come to us. | |
Bulgarian foreign policy was one of continuity and predictability, for which it was appreciated both at home and abroad, said Stoyanov. | |
Traditionally inspired music is predominant in the arts and represents cultural continuity with the past. | |
To emphasize this continuity, the design needed to create a sense of movement. | |
No such spatial and generational continuity existed for the immigrant European Americans. | |
The important point is, it descends from the past and represents a continuity with the past. | |
For Burke, historical continuity was central to his understanding of society. | |
When you're watching a seemingly coherent film, you do expect attention to detail and continuity, you also expect the use of logic and reason. | |
There are also massive continuity errors and shoddy production values that aid a lazy script by writers with no interest in doing research. | |
It's a fascinating track that goes into extensive detail about the film's lack of continuity. | |
There are some gross continuity errors in the version of the film currently available. | |
I am, however, interested in knowing about any continuity errors, since it's possible that a few escaped my notice. | |
The viewer is left to create a large amount of continuity out of the dialogue and scenes that wander aimlessly. | |
These, of course, are the kind of continuity errors that are always present in action films, but they are pretty hard to ignore in this case. | |
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If you look for continuity errors, you will find a few, and they might make you laugh. | |
If you're keeping notes about continuity errors, check out the crew commentary. | |
The continuity in this film is a bit off, in terms of coffee cups with too much or too little coffee to match the previous shot. | |
There's very little sense of time and continuity throughout the film, making for one that's a little confusing chronologically. | |
The BBC Television Service continuity announcers such as Valerie Pitts used these studios to anchor the single channel's programmes. | |
Did they think we would pay more attention to her than the regular continuity announcer? | |
Graham Roberts was a continuity announcer on Yorkshire Television for 22 years and was a presenter of news and features programmes. | |
A highly successful model, Pamela went on to become a continuity announcer. | |
John Benson was regarded by many in the trade, as the definitive continuity announcer of the sixties. | |
Rather worryingly, one of the drivers I heard this afternoon sounded uncannily like a BBC continuity announcer I know. | |
Baker's stint, which begins at 7pm and ends at 9.30 pm, is thought to be the first time the BBC has used a celebrity as a continuity announcer. | |
With the reshuffle in 1968, Colin took his chance to apply for continuity jobs around the network, including at the new Yorkshire Television. | |
Increasingly desperate methods are being used to make this shoddy solution of minimised continuity announcements seem effective. | |
This was seen on the BBC, as Ulster Television would use their continuity announcers to do the same. | |
From his furtive and imperfect glimpses, he projects a continuity, itself irrevocably impossible. | |
Christie knows that the continuity in playing personnel is a major strength and it's not one he plans to undermine with a cut-price garage sale. | |
Far from representing a Damascene conversion, his statements reveal the underlying continuity of his plans. | |
However a lapse of almost two years since the last scheme has left a gap in continuity. | |
These results are important in that they show clear evidence of continuity from prelinguistic language skills to later language skills. | |
From daywear to eveningwear, Jarick covered all the bases, though being a bit scattered as far as theme or continuity are concerned. | |
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Properly written prescriptions will help ensure continuity of care in the patient's local community. | |
Such exercises end up presupposing a continuity when it is almost certainly more productive to look for breaks. | |
Just like a coil, you can check the continuity of any primary or secondary transformer winding. | |
The problem of deconflicting so many complex documents and ensuring continuity between them is obvious. | |
In principle, continuity is eminently desirable but the principle shrivels if what is being continued doesn't have demonstrable worth. | |
If you like to pick apart technical flaws and continuity goofs, then you should have a field day with Twister. | |
The musical instruments include hollowed-out gourds and reveal the continuity of African heritage. | |
And it is strictly defined by continuity equation in both classical electrodynamics, and relativistic electrodynamics. | |
That is, it is necessary to understand both continuity and discontinuity between closely related species. | |
Although I suppose the above changes are marked more by continuity than by discontinuity. | |
Institutions, like individuals, tend to prefer stability and continuity over instability and discontinuity. | |
One of the key themes to emerge is a debate over continuity or discontinuity. | |
Such fine-scale layering and extensive continuity point to a quiescent environment of deposition for the iron formation. | |
Most Anglicans, however, subscribe to the ongoing continuity of episcopal ordination. | |
On one level, this scarcely believable feat suggests continuity and durability. | |
His doctoral thesis, submitted to the University of Nancy, was on continuity of functions of a complex variable. | |
Along with the similarly too-free-spirited two songs, such unchecked exorbitance damages the album's hard-won continuity. | |
A casual reading of the passage might suggest that Descartes offers a naturalistic solution to the problem, in the form of a continuity test. | |
What he thought a self was, was just a kind of continuity of impressions but that when we introspect we can't really find anything that we call ourselves. | |
The country has absolutely no continuity except in its sexennial collapse. | |
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There is much continuity between the Ubaid culture and the succeeding Uruk period, when many of the earlier traditions were elaborated, particularly in architecture. | |
This is a problem for the law, which does not like surprises and certainly proceeds by analogising new situations to old ones in order to build continuity. | |
Once again at the level of the overkingship, as opposed to the smaller kingdoms, there was no continuity of existence and association with a particular family. | |
Or is it a point at which continuity should be more important than change? | |
In fact, the Foreign Ministry has been a stronghold of fascist continuity. | |
Like continuity, it provides a yardstick against which we can measure ourselves. | |
Unfortunately, you will need a brainpan like a hard drive and a retina as strong as a mule deer to follow the rapid fire editing and overlapping continuity flubs. | |
The look of the film itself is very uneven, with poor continuity and obvious shifts from sharp detail to stock footage of various amounts of grain. | |
In general, synchronic description tends to neutralize principles of continuity, so that elements have only the significance they have in that instance. | |
Yes, the party wants to squelch cultural expressions that threaten its own continuity and survival. | |
The governments are in flux and continuity cannot be guaranteed. | |
He'd be a terrible continuity announcer on Radio 4, that's for certain. | |
This would enable them to be trained to the appropriate standard and provide continuity of service when the department classifiers were withdrawn. | |
Interestingly, both have traditions of almost unbroken continuity. | |
Whatever you do, don't detour to answer every misplaced question as this disturbs continuity, decreases clarity and disorganizes an otherwise structured explanation. | |
So he jazzed up the movie with rapid fire, machinegun edits and one confusing montage after another that completely throw off any sense of continuity. | |
The positive value ascribed to traditional culture has been further reinforced by popular images and representations of Aboriginality as an exemplar of timeless continuity. | |
Other readers might find the discussion a bit confusing about how much continuity and discontinuity exists between this world and the new creation. | |
Develop risk mitigation, incident response and business continuity plans, and test these procedures quarterly to annually, depending on best practices. | |
Typically, patients return to the hospital after approximately three months to have the temporary ileostomy taken down to restore bowel continuity. | |
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Perhaps the churning of the twentieth century has quietened and we are returning to a society of strong traditions with a focus on continuity rather than change. | |
It is the same as it ever was, absolutely unbroken continuity. | |
In Gaul, there was considerable continuity between pre-Roman and post-Roman populations, yet French contains only about 120 words with Gallic origins. | |
Team midwifery was meant to ensure better continuity of care for mothers. | |
Other managers attended to their subordinates' agitated feelings so that the employees could maintain continuity in delivering services to the customers. | |
The underlying issue is one of the continuity or discontinuity of patterns that can help information professionals do their work efficiently and effectively. | |
That is the red thread of continuity, which runs from Decline 1.0 with Sputnik to Decline 5.0 with the post-crash. | |
At the same time, referees were encouraged to, and rewarded for, advancing continuity and allowing more latitude for the team in possession of the ball. | |
Granted, a talent for arithmetic is not a CV prerequisite for your average continuity announcer, but the figure seemed a bit excessive, to say the least. | |
This happens when subbases are not fully compacted, so load transfer dowels are used to span across joints to provide continuity that accommodates the rolling loads. | |
The Dutch revolt against Spain in the sixteenth century broke the continuity of beguinages, even though some persisted through the nineteenth century. | |
Once she entered the stage, dressed in red, the rest of the actors and actresses turned into mere appendages or devices to carry on the continuity of the story. | |
The franchise needs continuity to ensure that positive public perception isn't forfeited unnecessarily through the dissipation or reduction of essential experience. | |
Eventually some of them would be used as sites for cathedrals and monasteries, but this seems to be more a matter of readoption than of any genuine continuity. | |
Secondary pyroclastic flow deposits are locally exposed, generally infilling palaeochannels with no lateral continuity, and commonly overlying blast deposits. | |
For example, when a nurse cares for two or more patients and must divide attention between them there is a potential for gaps in the continuity of care. | |
The similarity to the sweat lodge at the nearby and slightly older Vaughn Branch site reflects continuity in social behaviors as well as in structural technology. | |
The Wallabies have attained their status as world-beaters through their ability to keep the ball, their continuity stifling the life out of their opponents. | |
For example, the important distinctions between continuity and differentiability and between uniform and pointwise continuity seem to have no basis in intuition. | |
The Gould and Dickens families organised an unofficial walk to ensure the continuity of the beating the bounds whose origins have been lost in the depths of time. | |
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The portraits of Septimius emphasized continuity with the Antonines, yet a new element appears in the corkscrew beard modelled after the god Serapis. | |
We shall take for granted the extension of these ideas to computably convergent complex sequences, and the natural definitions of computable continuity. | |
That is, we discussed character motivation, situation, and story continuity. | |
There would have been continuity between the painted and real world, instead of disjunction. | |
It enables the navigation authority to control, by licences issuable at its discretion, the installation and continuity of any works affecting the public river. | |
The IAS audit showed that the Commission needs to keep up the momentum in its efforts to ensure business continuity in the event of serious disruptions. | |
The art installation suggests the continuity and fragility of Mediterranean civilization, reminding us of the simultaneous remoteness and seamlessness of the past. | |
The Cabinet is a combination of new hands and old ones to give the new administration the necessary continuity from the old hands, and change and new vigour through new ones. | |
He attributed the difficulties of Stephanie and Jesse to entrenched, flawed concept images formed by prior experience with repeating decimals and continuity. | |
The traumatic event is an unapprehended, and therefore unrealized moment in the history of the survivor that creates a rupture in the temporal continuity of the self. | |
It is to be served concurrent to the sentence for manslaughter, in light of the continuity between the offences, and having regard to the totality principle. | |
Whilst not the first face to be seen on the channel, Muriel Young, who died on 24 March 2001, was one of the fledgling network's first female continuity announcers. | |
They nurse the icon of an eternal ethnic Georgia whose cultural and political continuity stretches back unbroken to the Bronze Age and probably beyond. | |
Given the survival of the church, there is the possibility of continuity in Conisbrough from the Anglian period, through the Viking Age, to the Norman conquest and beyond. | |
Those continuity announcers have also died with the stars of yesteryear. | |
The new textures serve the band's sound accordingly, and enable them to explore new compositional directions while retaining a degree of continuity earlier albums missed. | |
They did not need to be funny, they did not need character development, and there was definitely no need for retakes, continuity, or logical plot. | |
Language always helps its people to have a sense of continuity with their own past, the dreams and achievements of a people through history that have been preserved as memory. | |
You can test this part with a continuity tester or an ohmmeter. | |
They are a sign of civilisation, of stability and continuity, of order. | |
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The trilobite eye is in continuity with the rest of its shelly armor. | |
Unfortunately, the continuity tester on my multimeter proved me wrong. | |
His remarks on time and space, discontinuity and continuity are revealing. | |
Preferences over probability gambles are rational, that is, satisfy the substitution and continuity conditions, if and only if they have the expected utility property. | |
Fragments are always contrived into a structure of continuity and context. | |
We see these awards as a significant way of sustaining rural community continuity and development and building a small, slow food culture in Western Australia. | |
Paul's voice adopted the exaggerated tones of a TV continuity announcer. | |
In an alien environment, holding on to a meaningful life includes embracing icons, for they mediate power and provide powerful resources for connection and continuity. | |
What happened to the continuity announcers, and their studio? | |
Further, it is not necessary to establish an unbroken chain of continuity. | |
This is the reason for one of the obvious continuity errors in the film. | |
Bilioenteric continuity is then reestablished with a Roux-en-Y jejunal limb. | |
Pentecostalists, Mormons, and Emersonians have little or no continuity with European Protestantisms. | |
The debate about the Second Vatican Council is oversimplified when it contrasts a hermeneutic of discontinuity with one of continuity. | |
A few Neolithic monuments overlie Mesolithic sites but little continuity can be demonstrated. | |
Where consociationalism and federalism overlay one another, moreover, the continuity of the latter depends on the stability of consociationalism. | |
Tilly and Scott have emphasised the continuity in the status of women, finding three stages in English history. | |
In northern Italy the Golasecca culture developed with continuity from the Canegrate culture. | |
Burial sites included weapons, carts, and both elite and household goods, evoking a strong continuity with an afterlife. | |
What we see in these examples is probably continuity of the estate or territory as a unit of administration rather than one of exploitation. | |
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It traces the continuity between God's gift of law to Moses to Alfred's own issuance of law to the West Saxon people. | |
The use of the execution site and cemetery at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire suggests a continuity of judicial practice. | |
Archeological evidence has demonstrated that the cultural continuity is unbroken from prehistory to the present. | |
There was demonstrable continuity in the south, even though the Danish settlement represented a watershed in England's artistic tradition. | |
In other fields, there is far more continuity through the period such as warfare and science. | |
Moore's sense of England emerging undefeated from siege led to his focus on pieces characterised by endurance and continuity. | |
Locke was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. | |
Not all readers of Blake agree upon how much continuity exists between Blake's earlier and later works. | |
Including continuity from Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have also been represented in every edition. | |
The role of the Troika is to ensure continuity in the G20's work and management across host years. | |
Upon it depends our own British life and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. | |
This accords with the principle of continuity of the legal system enshrined in Article 8 of the Basic Law. | |
Black argues that SPECTRE provides a measure of continuity to the remaining stories in the series. | |
Likewise, the English system accommodates playing styles that counteract its inherent smoothness and continuity between notes. | |
In fact, people who even used a name or tried to maintain any continuity of identity at all were generally mocked as namefags. | |
Luce, the most eminent Berkeley scholar of the 20th century, constantly stressed the continuity of Berkeley's philosophy. | |
Reid held that continuity of memory was neither necessary nor sufficient to make one numerically the same person at different times. | |
Sociologist Anthony Smith argues that national identity has the feature of continuity that can transmit and persist through generations. | |
This famous phrase signifies the continuity of sovereignty, attached to a personal form of power named Auctoritas. | |
Archaeology has shown some evidence of continuity with Roman education, trade with the Mediterranean and with Celtic art. | |
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Names with a Latin element may suggest continuity of settlement, while some places are named for pagan Germanic deities. | |
Of primary significance in these studies is the complex balance of continuity over change in both their design and their decoration. | |
The format then reverted to the BBC continuity announcer Alice Arnold for the reports on coastal areas. | |
Cystovaries characterize most teleosts, where the ovary lumen has continuity with the oviduct. | |
Elections are staggered, with five judges elected every three years to ensure continuity within the court. | |
The unity and continuity of the World Ocean, with relatively free interchange among its parts, is of fundamental importance to oceanography. | |
Much research has focused on the issues of discontinuity versus continuity with the previous Tokugawa Period. | |
Due to mass continuity this drives surface waters down, resulting in the upwelling of cold, nutrient rich water south of the current. | |
By applying the continuity equation we can have the vertical velocity as following. | |
In the early 21st century, mitochondrial DNA research has supported the theory of continuity between the Tuniit and the Sadlermiut peoples. | |
This has reduced the total number of continuity announcers required each day down from four to three. | |
This look was in use until October 2002 when ITV1 in England and Wales abandoned local continuity and idents. | |
The Dacians are generally considered to have been Thracian speakers, representing a cultural continuity from earlier Iron Age communities. | |
For the next six centuries historical references to the Scirii are sporadic, but sufficient to suggest continuity. | |
The Golasecca culture in northern Italy developed with continuity from the Canegrate culture. | |
He argued that the theory of the unity and continuity of history should not remove distinctions between ancient and modern history. | |
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, urban settlements in Italy generally enjoyed a greater continuity than in the rest of western Europe. | |
Regional government, formed by several provinces or municipalities of geographical continuity within a department. | |
This repetition is not redundant, but adds an air of continuity only befitting the story's scale and grandeur. | |
It involves continuity in that speakers do not need to abandon their own linguistic varieties. |
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